The Power of Handwriting: 8 Reasons Why Writing by Hand Enhances Memory
Add Your Heading Text Here With a phone in our hand and a laptop or tablet nearby, the art of handwriting often feels like a lost skill, and possibly an unnecessary one. However, numerous studies and educational experts emphasize the profound impact of writing by hand on our memory and learning processes (Lloreda, 2024). In […]
Top 10 Essential Bullet Journal Basics
Published 11/07/21. Bullet Journal Basics Developing a good system for task tracking can be critical in staying organized at work and home. Although managing tasks should be important to anyone, it is especially beneficial for adults with ADHD. In this article, we’ll take a look at some Bullet Journal Basics. The Bullet Journal Method, […]
Lamy 2000 Ballpoint Pen Review
Published 11/07/21. The Lamy 2000 Ballpoint pen is an extraordinary pen. Its design is timeless, sophisticated, and functional. It looks like no other pen and feels like no other pen. The Lamy 2000 Ballpoint Pen is lightweight, ergonomic, and writes well. The Lamy 2000 Ballpoint Pen was initially released in 1996, based on the Lamy […]
Who Invented the Fountain Pen?
By Geoffrey Fuller, 6/9/2021, updated 10/27/2021. The fountain pen has been an enduring monument to our quest for productivity and efficiency. From the quill to the typewriter, and currently, to the qwerty keyboard touch screens on our phones, we’ve always reached for a faster form of recording our thoughts. However, who invented the fountain pen? […]
Handwriting and the Brain, an Elegant and Efficient Tool
Published 06/08/21. The cognitive benefits of handwriting and the brain. How handwriting and the brain can work together to produce efficiency, memory enhancement, and elegance. In a simple model, the brain receives input, stores the input, retrieves the input when needed, and makes new correlations with prior inputs. The inputs are memories. These correlations between […]
Cursive vs Calligraphy, The Graceful Differances in the Arts
Cursive vs Calligraphy. Regardless of the instrument used, or the style of handwriting, penmanship can be applied on a range from pure art, to class notes.
OneBlade Core Razor Review
Before buying the OneBlade Core single-edge safety razor, I took a look at their website and read some additional reviews.
My Favorite Cross Pens Review
My Favorite Cross Pens Review By Geoffrey Fuller, 6/4/2021 Among the wide variety of Cross Pens available, I have a few favorites that I’ll share in this Cross pens review. Considering the vast array of Cross Pens and their availability in nearly every stationery, office supply, and college book store, I should probably have […]
Graceful American Cursive Types, Top 6
There are numerous handwritten cursive styles that have been used during the last four centuries in America.
Where has the handwritten note gone
Published 10/07/21. In our modern digital world, we spend a lot of our time creating and reading content from emails, online news articles, blogs, social media, and work memos. As a manual and seemingly non-digital form of content creation, a handwritten note might seem out-of-place in our modern digital world. However, new apps and devices […]